A Sight To Behold: VIDEO

From stained glass, paintings, drawings, and statues, people have always told stories through visuals. Today's storytellers just use more pixels. The use of video is one of the most powerful tools of storytelling and communication. It breathes life into a message turning it into a meaningful experience. When it comes to designing the right video system, there are an infinite amount of choices. Our team members craft design solutions precisely engineered to our customers vision.


Even in the earliest days, whether through sculptures, paintings, or stained glass, visuals and art have always played huge roles in telling stories. When it comes to video design, navigating through screen placement, video routing and distribution, and deciding between LED Walls vs. Projection can be overwhelming. Our team understands the need to make all of it simple and easy to comprehend, even for volunteers. Don't worry, we've got your back.


Round rooms, square rooms, wide rooms, long rooms…you name it; we’ve worked with every single shape room possible. No matter the shape, each kind of space requires one main thing: the ability for everyone to see what is happening on stage. Sometimes this means amplifying the presenter’s image on stage using IMAG and LED Video Walls, and sometimes this means a few large TVs mounted to the sides of the stage. Either way, we make sure that no matter what kind of room you have, everyone will be able to see what’s going on.

Screen placement is another thing that people ask us about regularly. There are many ways to situate video screens in a room, and there isn’t a standard set up that works well for everyone. Sometimes a single center screen works; sometimes only side screens work best. We work with you and the space you’re in to figure out what the very best layout is for the experience you are wanting to create.


When it comes down to it, each option provides their own benefits that the other might not be able to. Projectors have been a solid video solution for years and they aren’t going away anytime soon. With the rising popularity of laser projectors, lamped projectors have become more affordable than ever. However, laser projectors are a great option that might be a bit pricier than their lamped counterparts but won’t ever require new lamps. On the other hand, LED wall technology has advanced to the point where this is now an obtainable solution for many performance venues and houses of worship.

 Outside of cost, the overall appearance of LED walls vs. projectors is definitely a factor to consider. With a projector, there will always be a large, white screen on stage when nothing is projected. However, an LED wall “disappears” when it’s not being used to allow for more versatile stage designs and fewer distractions. In addition to this, many venues that do live broadcasting or streaming favor LED walls as they look much better on camera than projectors do. In the end, there isn’t one solution that is better than the other. It all comes down to what works best for your space and what fits your budget.


When it comes to camera options, there are plenty to choose from and it can all be a bit overwhelming. Using cinema cameras for IMAG is new to the scene which brings even more camera options to consider. Cinema cameras offer amazing picture with cinema style depth of field but there are many steps other than the gear to get that end result. Since cinema cameras are not for every church we make sure to keep up with all the advancements in the broadcast world as well. There has also been a recent shift in definition formats with 4K, 1080p, and HDR becoming standard in the consumer world.

 Like we said earlier, there are a LOT of different options when it comes to cameras. Typically, the best solutions are made up of multiple types of cameras to get the desired amount of flexibility from your system. A spec sheet can promise a lot of features but there is always more to the story with the camera. Fully understanding the end “look” you want will make sure we are able to select the right products to make that happen.


Now that you’ve got video, where is it going? What will it be used for? Is it going online? Do you have a multi-site church and will it be streaming to other campuses? Do you just need a few video feeds going to other spaces in your building? Whether you have a room full of crying babies or a full overflow room, you’re going to need a solution to distribute video to all those different locations. You’re also probably going to need a way to send announcements, small group dates, upcoming events, and the like to different displays around the building. This kind of video signage is becoming more and more convenient to let people know what is going on. We’ll make sure you have everything you need to distribute content anywhere there’s a screen.
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