Let There Be LIGHT

Lighting is about enhancing the experience, not distracting from it. Creating a lighting design is more than shining lights at a stage. It is carefully articulated to deliver a specific experience that captivates your audience. From the moment people walk into a performance venue, the first thing they'll see (quite literally) is the lighting. Lighting sets the atmosphere, plain and simple. Proper lighting design can take a large room and make it feel like an intimate setting. From hazers to movers, par cans to dimmers, house lights to atmospheric lighting and everything in between... Sound Vision has you covered.


Much like our approach when it comes to creating sound systems, the details are in the design. Our Project Managers work with Sound Vision team of in-house designers to plan out lighting plots, making sure every aspect is covered. This defines a guideline for our Install Team so they know where to point and focus lights to provide the best visual experience possible.

 Intricate designing like this allows us to greatly expand the possibilities of your lighting system. With the rise in availability of LED house light fixtures, we are able to help you create a space where the house lights mirror what’s happening on the stage giving you the ability to erase that dividing line between stage and audience. We believe that cohesive and well-designed lighting can break people out of the physical space they are in and help move them into deeper more meaningful experiences.

Stage lighting is crucial in creating a dramatic and dynamic experience. It not only catches the attention of the human eye but a well-lit stage produces higher quality video as well. The types and quantities of fixtures, as well as the lighting design, are carefully considered to craft the specific experience you are aiming for. Ultimately, the goal of lighting is to create an experience by using visuals that physically draw the eyes in.


We design our systems with what we call a “scalable infrastructure”. This means if you decide to change your stage for special occasions or events, your lighting package has the ability to scale with you. We also make sure that our designs are capable of going beyond the initial install. We make sure that if you want to add more lights, by all means, you can add more lights. Adaptability and versatility are key in a time where technology is constantly changing.


Haze in the air is what makes sunrises and sunsets beautiful. Without haze, a sunset is still beautiful, but it loses a certain depth that is created with even a small amount of haze. Many performance venues are hesitant to add haze because they believe it turns the performance in to “rock and roll concert.” We definitely empathize with this perspective. 

 While adding a haze machine or two is optional, when done correctly, it takes the audience’s experience to the next level. But we also acknowledge that too much of a good thing is not a good thing at all. Ultimately, the decision is completely in your hands. All of our design decisions come down to one thing: “Is this the right decision for the client and their vision.”
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