
Some call it design, we call it fun. We aim to become an extension of your team through discovery-based designing that identifies dynamic opportunities aligned with your vision. In fact, we get so excited about doing this stuff we can’t help but invite our clients into the process, engage in collaborative exercises, and be a part of the experience. We think this stage of the process is vital to the success of our projects.

Having worked on hundreds of projects through the years, we’ve learned a few things. One of the most important is that people – and the relationships we build – are at the core of everything we do. We build strong relationships with our clients so that we may become an extension of their team. We help them amplify their vision through light, music, and video, creating inspirational, immersive, relevant and positive experiences.

Any successful project begins with proper planning and design. All of our AVL (Audio, Video, Lighting) systems start with one thing in mind: the vision of the client we are working with. That’s why the design stage doesn’t even start with the gear itself. It starts with conversations about the style and the type of space and how you want and need to connect with your audience and understanding how to provide the best experience possible. 

Our system designs are detailed, comprehensive, and consider all possible options. As a result, your system design allows you to visualize where your equipment will live. It is much easier to move a drawing on paper than it is to move physical equipment once it is installed. Proper system design will save time and money on every project. 

Whether you need to update your existing system or have a system designed from the ground up, we can design and build a system to fit your needs. We guarantee our work and stand behind our products. From Corporate Boardrooms to Classrooms, Community Centers to Churches, Football Stadiums to Gymnasiums, Performing Art Centers to Community Theaters, Entertainment Clubs to Fitness Clubs our professional team of installers will neatly and discreetly install your new sound, lighting, video, control or AV system. 

Call us today to schedule a consultation.


In business, the most vital part of communication is understanding. With the right equipment, employees and clients won’t misunderstand any information provided. They can participate and gather information without generating issues. The sound flows through the speakers flawlessly. The Designer can provide ceiling or desktop models the eliminate communication errors and prevent any issues between the company and its clients.

Commercial Audio provides better sound quality for commercial applications. They produce clearer sound and help to prevent misunderstandings and miscommunication. This also helps the client to get the most out of presentations and impress clients. These products offer brilliant sound without distortion or static. 


Audio visual system design is a broad and complicated topic. However, regardless of the where, when, and how, there’s one thing that can certainly be said about the it across the board: when it comes to audio visual system design, it’s extremely important that a client contacts an A/V integrator with the necessary experience and background. Only then can a company be sure they will avoid turning what should be a streamlined and straightforward experience into an error-prone and increasingly expensive source of frustration.

Without the help of an A/V integrator in choosing equipment and avoiding any potential problems, mismatched and expensive equipment can end up collecting dust in a closet rather than seeing the use for which it was intended. The result is an expense without a return, rather than a set of useful tools that helps day in and day out.

With an experienced A/V integrator on board from the beginning of the process, the result is stress-free and no-nonsense audio visual system design customized for the precise needs of the company or organization.


Everyone has experienced technical difficulties at one time or another. Yesterday it was from attempting to program a VCR (an ancient and lost art). Today it’s more commonly a result of troubleshooting an inexplicable computer error that may prove too difficult to even put into words. Whatever the case, there are few people today who aren’t well-aware of how frustrating technology can be when it doesn’t behave as expected.

Much of this frustration is rooted in poor design. A system designed for people follows the logic of human beings. Unfortunately, machines often seem to speak in a different language entirely. The best way to avoid technical problems altogether is to simply use a system designed specifically for your needs.


Technology seems to grow more complicated by the day. It’s the nature of the beast. And without the necessary knowledge of how to avoid issues altogether, it’s all too easy to get caught in a tangle of technical problems. Fortunately, those looking for problem-free audio visual system design can find it by turning to knowledgeable experts who know exactly how to integrate systems to work with rather than against users.

A/V integrators focus on both ease of use and technical performance. These two factors are a priority for successful audio visual system design. For day to day use, it’s crucial that these two work together as seamlessly as possible. This way users spend their time focusing on making the most of the technology rather than wasting time trying to fix it, eliminating down time, increasing productivity and allowing machines to operate successfully for their intended purposes day in and day out.

When it’s time to invest in new A/V technology, contact an experienced and professional A/V integrator with the background necessary to both setup and support equipment custom chosen for your purpose and avoid the hassles altogether.


We'll get the job done right the first time. Have contractors ever not shown up when they said they would? Have you ever had a crew leave behind a big mess? Has equipment not worked properly after a project was completed? We know how frustrating this can be, and as a result, we promise to treat you as we would expect to be treated ourselves. From designing and installing large-scale, custom AVL systems to simple solutions, we take pride in our work.

Because we care so much for the work we do, we want to make sure it meets our high standards once it gets installed. Some call us perfectionists. And we’re ok with that. Our highly trained installation teams work tirelessly making sure every detail is cared for and maintained to be exactly to specification. When it comes to building your dreams, anything short of excellence won’t get our approval.

Sound Vision designs and installs audio/video/lighting/control and network systems for every commercial setting:
  • Corporate Environments
  • Houses of Worship
  • Government Offices
  • Boardroom & Conference Room Systems
  • Video Teleconferencing
  • Schools and Institutions of Higher Learning
  • Classroom & Presentation Systems
  • Restaurants, Bars and Nightclubs
  • Retail Stores and Common Areas
  • Sports Arenas & Outdoor Stadium Speakers
  • Theaters, Auditorium & Multi-use Performance Spaces
  • Cable/ Satellite Television Distribution
  • Digital signage
  • Background/foreground music


Have too many cooks been in the kitchen messing around with the recipe of your system processing or digital console? Is your lighting system giving you trouble? Don't worry. You're not alone. It happens far more often than you would imagine. We can help get you back on the right track and your system back in order and performing to its highest level of expectation. Just give us a call. 


Not sure exactly what all those knobs and buttons do? Are you intimidated by your AVL System? DON'T BE!! We can help calm your fears and give you the confidence to operate your AVL without worry. We will guide you through the often confusing, and sometimes overwhelming, world of system control and operation with hands on training for your AVL System. Give us a call to schedule training for you or your entire media team. 


Does your Audio, Lighting or Video system need a tune up? Does your Audio system not sound quite right? Need to replace that flappy, distorted woofer? Does your PA system sound like an antique AM radio? Has the color faded out of your lighting? Has your video lost its once vivid picture? Whatever your service need, we are here to assist! Call us today to schedule an evaluation or consultation.

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